Friday, 17 May 2019

Star dome trip

Today we went to the Stardome it was very fun and we watched a movie about looking another place for humans to live but it ended up that humans should stay one Earth and there is no reason to move. And it felt like we were moving but really the big screen above us was. I learnt a lot of things like Neptune  is really far away from the sun and Saturn has 62 moons and we only have one! 

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

100 word challenge

This is my 100 word challenge. You may think that 100 words is a lot but it is not actually that much. Hope you like it!

Thanks Mrs Fletcher

This is a blog post about thanking Mrs Fletcher for bringing up the idea about choose Tuesday. THANKS MRS FLETCHER!

Thursday, 2 May 2019

VR Session

Today we had a VR session with Peter Blake trust teachers. It was very very fun but I got very sad because there were no turtles and you may know that I LOVE turtles. We saw some polluted environments and some healthy environments with fishes and sharks and dolphins and all sorts of sea animals. We learned about mangroves and sea squirts and other stuff. When we put the headset on we saw awesome fishes and a lot ocean with some plastic :(