Thursday, 25 July 2019

My legacy

Your legacy:

How will you be remembered?

  1. A person who is my hero is... Vint Cerf and Robert E. Kahn
  2. This person is my hero because... They made us be able to search things up on the internet if we do not know the answer to them. And they made me be able to even write this blog post.
  3. Two words that describe this person are... Smart and creative.
  4. One thing the person does that I admire is... Their knowledge.
  5. One way I can be more like my hero is by... Committing to what I want to do

Are you a hero? Write a few sentences telling about something that you did that you think was heroic. Taking risks and being brave on lots of things.


  1. Hello Vinnie, I really liked your blog post about your Legacy. It has really told me a lot about the people who created the Internet and how it's helpful. What was a challenge while doing this task?

  2. Hi Luca thanks you commenting on my blog, I don't think that I had a challenge task.
    Can you tell me what you liked about my legacy?
    Thanks BYE!🐢🐢🐢

  3. Hello Vinnie, my favourite part was when you said that you try new things and that your brave and taking risks.


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