Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Bird talk (with Mrs Best)

Today Mrs Best came back to Owairaka to talk to us a little bit about what she is doing in her new job at the Waitakere Rangers, and mostly about these lots of native birds.
She told us a lot of interesting facts about these birds including what they eat and how fast they can fly. Some of these where not birds they where pests like in the photo there is a possum.
Some interesting facts that I learnt when I was there where: Tuis have two voice box's one for singing and another for making the clicking sound.
Did you know that seagulls are actually endangered? you would not think so seeing that you see so many of them at the beach or maybe even at your house!
We have been learning about native birds in New Zealand this week for green week!
Thanks Mrs Best BYE! 🐢🐢🐢

Thursday, 25 July 2019

My legacy

Your legacy:

How will you be remembered?

  1. A person who is my hero is... Vint Cerf and Robert E. Kahn
  2. This person is my hero because... They made us be able to search things up on the internet if we do not know the answer to them. And they made me be able to even write this blog post.
  3. Two words that describe this person are... Smart and creative.
  4. One thing the person does that I admire is... Their knowledge.
  5. One way I can be more like my hero is by... Committing to what I want to do

Are you a hero? Write a few sentences telling about something that you did that you think was heroic. Taking risks and being brave on lots of things.

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Holiday Writing

This is my Holiday writing it's just what I did in the holidays (did not do much) but I got a LOT of cuts on my legs playing Survivor but it was still fun. 
The tennis match was intense. BYE! 

What is a hero?

These are questions of what being a hero is. 
on this slide there are some of my word art super hero pictures it's quite cool.
hope you like it BYE!🐢🐢🐢 

Thursday, 4 July 2019

When I'm...

This is my When I'm... Writing, I had to write what I would do when I'm something years old. I had some trouble Thinking about what I should do on some of them. By the way bloodbath is a level on a game that I play. BYE!🐢🐢🐢

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Stargazer writing

This is my stargazer writing I have not done much but I will do more hope you like it.

The young boy glanced through his highly expensive humongous white and black telescope to the dozens of stars in the shape of a rainbow. These stars are calling to the boy go home GOOO HOOME, the boy said, I will do no such thing!


This is my Mercury Genial.ly link, it includes facts about Mercury like: How cold is it on Mercury, or How far away is Mercury from the sun all of the answers are in the link hope you like it BYE! 🐢🐢🐢  

Tuesday, 2 July 2019


Here is my Saturn link to Genial.ly Its got facts about Saturn like: How far away from the sun is Saturn? and how cold is it? Hope you like it BYE!

The Earth

This is my link for a Genial.ly It has got facts about the Earth like: How long does it take for The Earth to orbit the sun and how much water is in the planet and how much land. All of the answers are in the link hope you like it BYE!🐢🐢🐢

The sun Link for Genial.ly

This is my link for my THE SUN Genial.ly There are facts about the sun and all of the answers are in the link BYE!🐢🐢🐢